About Coloring Novels
Coloring NovelsTM:
Novels have been refused the love of artistic interactivity and brilliant colors for far too long. Not anymore…
Coloring Novels™ was created by author and artist, Emilyann Allen, because she wanted to bring the joy of reading stories and coloring together. Reading is an inspiring experience, so readers are invited to color the provided pictures, draw their own art, and jot down their ideas as they enjoy each Coloring Novels TM adventure.
Luminous Words Press:
Luminous Words Press is the publication home of coloring novels and select fantasy books. The goal at Luminous Words Press is to produce titles that inspire imagination and feed the soul. LWP is also the copyright holder and licensing authority of the Best Coloring Novels brand and Coloring NovelsTM.
Please visit our Licensing page if you have licensing or legal inquiries. Thank you for your interest.
Best Coloring Novels © Emilyann Allen – Coloring Novels TM 2017-2019 © Luminous Words Press