Morphing Magic – Vestige of Credence 14 (Love Fantasy Books Series)
Vestige of Credence: Chapter 2
Part 14: Morphing Magic
“My name is Lailie, and I mean you no harm. I only brought you here in this manner to be sure you were not of evil intentions. I have gleaned information from your thoughts in these short moments, and I see there is much on your minds. I am sorry you were consumed by the abyss, and I wish there was something we could do to stop the quakes. The ground quakes and land shifting have been just as costly for our people as they have for your own, if not more so–” Lailie began.
“Your people?” Kadden interrupted, “How many are there like you?”
“There were millions, but lately our numbers have diminished. We are not creatures that die of natural causes. Actually, we did not even realize life could come to an end. We have existed down here together as long as we can recall. Then when the planet started shaking, our world started coming apart. Our many complex tunnel systems have been disjointed. The death toll is uncertain, as not all societies are reachable now; but many people, and even towns, have been crushed beneath falling rocks during the land tremors.”
Lailie suggested they head to Olcanic, the capital city of her people. During their walk, Ellara and Kadden quickly discovered that not all areas of the tunnel were submerged under water; there were actually pockets of air, like in the sky. It was a strange and unthinkable concept that for their entire existence the Basalt and Cumulus never knew air or creatures were hidden in the ground beneath them. “My people are the Graphine, derived from the name graphite which is the rock most like our skin” she explained, making big gestures with her hands as she spoke. “We have a special connection with rock; with land, you see” Lailie ran her hand along the smooth rock wall as she spoke.
“You speak of the land and the rocks like they can think and you can understand them” Ellara commented in response to Lailie.
Lailie brushed passed the comment as she continued to introduce the new comers to her world. Her skin was so dark, yet glimmered. It also seemed to change texture. Lailie caught Kadden’s observant eye on her skin “It is a natural defense system. We can walk around in our softer skin, but if necessary we can morph.”
Kadden tilted his head “Morph? Into what?”
Lailie chuckled “Not into something. Our skin can morph to be tough. It turns into graphite.”
Vestige of Credence © Emilyann Girdner 2016
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