Vestige of Credence 20 – Fallen Immortality (Love Fantasy Books Series)
Vestige of Credence: Chapter 3
Part 20: Fallen Immortality
Meanwhile, Ellara continued exploring the town. She was most taken aback by the culture of the people.
“I wish the elders could see this place” Ellara told Maximus.
“Your elders?” he asked.
“Yes, our leaders” she expounded. “They have lived long and learned the most. The elders sent Kadden and I on our mission. We are protected and guided by them.”
“Yes” Maximus nodded his head, remembering what he had gleaned in her thoughts. “Even though I am considered wise and am respected as a leader, our culture highly promotes equality, individuality and freedom.” He gestured pointing out their homes “You see, all of our homes are the same size.” He continued to explain the equality of their culture as her eyes scanned the many homes that lined the cavern walls.
“Our people were created from a clash of lava and graphite mixed with water ages ago” Maximus explained. Ellara suspected nobody had ever proved that was true. He continued to say they were all so old, they could not remember the beginning of their lives. They did know for sure that, until the land quakes, not a single Graphine had ever died.
They all participated in contributing to each other’s needs and lived very peacefully. The concept was interesting to Ellara. She was surprised to discover the Graphine didn’t seem to have very established gender roles. Ellara came from a society where generally women would help grow food and make clothes, while men would hunt food and build structures. The Graphine all contributed in every way to society. It was their belief that the only way they could all truly understand one another and live peacefully was through empathy. He said it made their people very connected.
Vestige of Credence © Emilyann Girdner 2016
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