Vestige of Credence 24 – Meeting Ramus (Love Fantasy Books Series)
Vestige of Credence: Chapter 4
Series Part 24: Meeting Ramus
Without hesitation the Cumulus responded, “My name is Ramus. I came to the underground hoping to hide from Ludan. Many of the Cumulus have been migrating anywhere away due to extermination.”
“Extermination?” Ellara replied inquisitively.
“Before total control can be assumed by our species, Ludan feels we first need to filter out our own ranks. Undergoing extreme interrogation is not easy for any of us; many have failed.” She paused and a streak of sadness shot through her expression. “Those not lucky enough to escape face confinement.” She went on to explain that at least if those opposing him were not in his way than they would not be a problem.
“Imprisoned?” Kadden questioned, “How exactly does one imprison a Cumulus?”
“That is secret information only known to Ludan’s most trusted ranks” she replied.
The knowledge provided to the Basalt and Graphine cluster was insightful but devastating. What if Rhen and anyone else helping them from the sky were imprisoned? It could mean their certain destruction if they did not attain that teleportation device.
“Ramus, why weren’t you captured with the rest of the friendly Cumulus? And after not being captured, why didn’t you venture to the Basalt civilization to aid their efforts?” Ellara asked, still suspicious of the Cumulus woman.
“I actually served as a Cumulus scout, intentionally providing misinformation to Ludan and his army. But when they decided to begin interrogations, I realized I needed to give up my passive methods and officially join the Basalt. I was approaching the Basalt city when another scout questioned why I was scouting off schedule. I knew he already suspected me, so I just tried to escape. That is how I ended up here in the tunnels,” Ramus replied.
She described being tracked a great distance and trying to hide in a rift, but the other Cumulus followed. Her best escape route seemed to be the tunnel system she stumbled upon during the runaround. There was no doubt her reasoning was honest, given that it was directly from her thoughts. Cumulus didn’t even know about the existence of the Graphine, much less their ability to mind read, so her words went unquestioned.
Vestige of Credence © Emilyann Girdner 2016
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