Vestige of Credence 7 – Suicide Mission (Love Fantasy Books Series)
Vestige of Credence: Chapter 1
Part 7 of the Love Fantasy Books Series: Suicide Mission
Of course there were more species and societies living on other planets; this had been discovered long ago by the Cumulus technology. It was sad that the planets were often segregated and each only looked out for itself. Maybe if there had been universal cooperation long ago, the planets wouldn’t be facing such a domino effect of devastation. Due to distrust, the whole galaxy could be unexpectedly affected by Ludan, and it pleased him. It was common scientific knowledge that the fate of each planet affected the next. Ludan had decided all species, other than Cumulus, were simply unimportant. In fact he thought them tedious because they relied on physical resources. Being in spirit form and virtually indestructible, Ludan wanted to see how the planets and universe would decay or evolve with no maintenance or care. He wanted to know what would happen if the balance was undone.
“I hate him you know… Ludan” she told Kadden.
“Don’t we all” he agreed. “Ludan is the whole reason we had to leave home” he scoffed.
They were forced to leave home to search for what seemed it might be impossible to find. They were hoping to somehow locate another race of energy-formed creatures with no physical substance. Basalt people of all the nations were working hard to hide from and defend against the Cumulus, but they knew more help was needed. Kadden and Ellara were tasked with retrieving a Cumulus teleportation device called the Iffanport. With such a machine, they might be able to locate a race in the vast universe that would be willing and able to help Terryl, and then be able to return home alive. It was Ellara’s secret hope that, on this journey, she might be able to rescue her sister from the Cumulus. Kadden and Ellara both knew it was a suicide mission, but they put on a brave face and dug for any vestige of courage within themselves.
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