Magic Abilities – Vestige of Credence 13 (Love Fantasy Books Series)
Vestige of Credence: Chapter 2
Love Fantasy Books Series Part 13: Magic Abilities
Finally, she seemed magically to appear out of the wall in front of them. It took them a minute to make out her figure against the rocky wall. Kadden and Ellara could not help but stare at her, because she was like nothing they had ever seen. Her form was of some human origin, but her skin was tough and solid like rock. She had no hair, just a smooth, solid head. Her figure was tiny, a bit smaller than the average female Homo Aquatic Sapien. She had strange eyes that differed from the Basalt. The Basalt typically had solid white eyes with no variation. For whatever adaptive reason, this creature’s eyes were white but were narrower with pointier ends. Curiosity festered in Kadden as he tried to comprehend what he was seeing in front him. He had to wonder what she was and where she came from. Had she spawned somehow from the planet changes caused by the unbalance?
Suddenly she said, “No,” leaving both Ellara and Kadden confused. “No, I was not created by the recent planet changes.” It was as if she answered what he was thinking in his mind. “Yes, I did answer your thoughts,” she said. He was speechless, this was nothing he had ever imagined to be possible.
“If you know what I am thinking, then why have you been interrogating us?” he demanded.
She explained that her abilities were mild, and she needed to encourage a line of thought by proposing questions. She was not capable of just retrieving any kind of information from people. It had to specifically be something present in their current thought processes. Ellara had been speechless for some time, still just staring at the new creature.
Vestige of Credence © Emilyann Girdner 2016
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