No Magic Games – Vestige of Credence 12 (Love Fantasy Books Series)
Vestige of Credence: Chapter 2
Part 12: No Magic Games
Slowly gaining consciousness, Kadden tried to see his surroundings, but could not. Discovering lack of movement within his arms, now bound by restraints, he was aware something had gone wrong. He could vaguely feel pain in the back of his head when he began to realize he had experienced a lapse in time. He could only remember walking through the tunnel with Ellara, but had no idea what happened after that. As he tried to regain composure, he was startled to realize he heard someone else near him. Kadden knew how to defend himself and quickly crouched into a squatting position then slung his leg out creating a circular swoop in the general direction of the noise. His leg brought something to the floor, and he heard a crash, shortly followed by a catty, “Is that all you got?” He realized it was Ellara.
“Are you okay?” he offered immediately, realizing his mistake.
Ellara assured him quickly “Calm down, I am just fine. You aren’t as tough as you think you are.”
He defended jokingly, “Well you aren’t as clever as you think—”
“This is no time for kidding, Kadden,” she interrupted. “We need to move fast to get free. Maybe we can help release each other.”
Working as a team, Ellara bent down while Kadden released her blindfold, she then did the same for him. Before any further plan could be developed between them, another voice quietly whispered, “Why have you come here?” They glanced around in confusion and searched for a figure but found none, when the voice came again. “Reveal your purpose, surface people! I have no patience for games.”
Kadden replied that they were searching for the deepest trench when a ground quake sucked them down a rift. The voice announced that he had revealed nothing about himself or his intentions within the trench, and that her patience was dwindling. But Kadden refused to reveal anything else until he knew who he was speaking with. For all he knew, she could be a Cumulus, which can easily shift in and out of visual form.
Vestige of Credence © Emilyann Girdner 2016
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