Fantasy Story Inspirations & Favorite Shows: Guardians of the Galaxy
SciFi & Fantasy Story Inspirations:
Guardians of the Galaxy Feature
Writers are often asked for ideas on how to come up with a fantasy story. This is one of my favorite topics, so here’s one thought I’ll share on coming up with ideas or even staying motivated while writing. Many writers and artists I know (myself included) tend to be very inspired by existing creative works that we love. How so? For me, reading my favorite imaginative books or watching nostalgic magical movies helps me get back to my creative mood. After emerging myself in these cherished stories, my mind is rejuvenated and asking all kinds of questions about the universe and the bounds of reality. I know, I get a little carried away, but that’s the fun of it. That open mind and willingness to immerse in outside the box ideas is what spring boards many more ideas. All that said, I thought I’d share some movies and TV shows I enjoy with you all (scroll through the Pinterest board below). Any catch your eye?
SciFi & Fantasy Story Inspirations: Movies & TV Shows
Guardians of the Galaxy Highlight:
Also, as a Guardians of the Galaxy fan, I wanted to share this news about a Guardians of the Galaxy themed ride planned for Disney in California.
And if you didn’t see the trailer for the second Guardians of the Galaxy, here it is… =-)
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