Upcoming ‘The year I turned 18′ blogfest run by Cally Jackson
I am thrilled to let you know about “The year I turned 18” blogfest coming up. This blogfest will be run by Cally Jackson to celebrate the official launch of her ‘new adult’ novel, The Big Smoke.
Seeing as both her main characters, Ceara and Seb, turn 18 throughout the story, she thought it might be fun for us all to post about the year we turned 18.
Details: Your post can be about anything from that year – something momentous that happened, what your hopes and dreams were at that time, diary entries, anything that comes to mind. If you could include photos of you at 18, that would be doubly awesome! And if you haven’t turned 18 yet, you might like to post about what you hope will be happening for you in the year you turn eighteen.
This sounds like tons of fun right? I’m excited. For more details on this event and the giveaway happening with the blogfest visit Cally Jackson Writes! This event starts October 29th and ends November 2nd so hurry over to her site to sign up 🙂