Sucks Being Stuck – Vestige of Credence 10 (Love Fantasy Books Series)
Vestige of Credence: Chapter 2
Love Fantasy Books Series Part 10: Sucks Being Stuck
Kadden and Ellara quickly helped themselves to fresh crab when they awoke, as they reminisced about life before the unbalance. Lack of conversation had taken its toll, and they both longed for a break from the stress. They had grown up together in the same village. They discussed the traditional festivals and she teased him about the male Chaelim, a kind of formal robe he was forced to wear during the dances. “Those robes are the most boring thing anyone ever had to wear! Ha!” Ellara exclaimed. Thinking of home, she felt as if she could almost taste rebhia juice, she wanted it so badly. “I wish we could just drink some rebhia juice and enjoy the Arryl festival right now,” she lamented.
Kadden nodded his head in agreement. It was nice to laugh again, and for a small time they forgot all about their given mission, their circumstances after the big ground quake, and about finding Eva. They simply enjoyed a meal together and shut out reality. But as the laughs began to die down, it was inevitable they face the potentially impossible swim back out of the trench. “I would prefer a shark fight over being trapped down here,” Kadden commented. He ran his fingers over the azzile chain latched to his belt.
The ground split had taken them down so fast; they had not been able to attach their azzile chain to anything before descending. The chain had actually been developed from Cumulus technology and allowed for almost infinite release. It was very strong and had been designed to pull things long distances, almost effortlessly. The azzile chain was of no use in this circumstance though.
“I wish we could just swim out,” Ellara declared. “But the wall looked too smooth for stopping points.”
“Yeah, there is no way we can make it all the way back up there,” Kadden agreed.
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