
Labyrinth Movie Mashup Madness!!!
A Labyrinth Movie Mashup Day for You… Hi Friends, It has been just a wonderful few weeks. I am so blessed by such a terrific network of family and friends (including online, from events and more). Thank you once more for all of your encouragement. Writing can often involve quite a bit of rejection, so […]

The Haunted Realm (Fantasy Book) Launch Continues
Hi Everyone, Thank you all so much for making The Haunted Realm book launch first week an amazing success. I’m so thrilled about the positive responses so far to the book. Here are some book reviews that are already up… way cool! The Haunted Realm Fantasy Book Reviews: Fast-paced dystopian fantasy suspense with […]

Win a $15 Starbucks Gift Card & Other Prizes During The Realms Faire!
The Realms Faire! Lady Girdner is Jousting Happy Friday Everyone! All week I’ve been mentioning the Realms Faire. I’m super thrilled that I’ll be featured in the Faire today at http://mpaxauthor.com/blog/. If you have a few minutes, pop by and thank MPax for hosting this event and leave me some comment love mentioning the key words listed below. […]

Throwback Thursday Fantasy Relay: Reborn, A Fantasy Book You’ll Love
What will you find in the “Throwback Thursday Fantasy Relay” series? I’ll feature either a fantasy book, TV show, or movie, share some lesser known information on it and if I’m familiar with it, I’ll share a brief review as well. The fantasy genre is vast, encompassing epic fantasy, contemporary fantasy, and more, so this series is full […]

Second Day of The Haunted Realm (Young Adult Fantasy Book) Launch!
Welcome to the Second Day of The Haunted Realm (Young Adult Fantasy Book) Launch! I hope you enjoy the teaser quotes from The Haunted Realm below. If you’re interested in the book, the purchase links are below the quotes. The Haunted Realm Book Quotes: “I’m not at war, but I’m not at peace either.” ~ Zem […]

The Haunted Realm (The Labyrinth Wall Sequel) is Available Today!
The Haunted Realm Book Summary: Book 2 in the Obsidian Series A Young Adult Dystopian Epic Fantasy Book By Emilyann Girdner The Haunted Realm is the thrilling sequel to Young Adult Fantasy novel The Labyrinth Wall (Tweeted by Sean Astin from Lord of the Rings, Dante Rossetti Award Finalist, 5 Star Reader’s Favorite Rated and Amazon Best-Seller). […]

What Lord of the Rings and The Labyrinth Wall Have in Common
What do Lord of the Rings and The Labyrinth Wall Have in Common? Hi Everyone, You may have noticed I had a brief break there in posting, but I promise it was for good reason. I have been crazy busy traveling for work trips (I discovered that Dallas has amazing food), attending super fun comic cons and preparing […]

Throwback Thursday Fantasy Relay: Underworld!
What will you find in the “Throwback Thursday Fantasy Relay” series? I’ll feature either a Fantasy book TV show, or movie, share some lesser known information on it and if I’m familiar with it, I’ll share a brief review as well. The fantasy genre is vast, encompassing epic fantasy, contemporary fantasy, and more, so this […]

Throwback Thursday Fantasy Relay: Once Upon a Time!
What will you find in the “Throwback Thursday Fantasy Relay” series? I’ll feature either a Fantasy book TV show, or movie, share some lesser known information on it and if I’m familiar with it, I’ll share a brief review as well. The fantasy genre is vast, encompassing epic fantasy, contemporary fantasy, and more, so this […]