You may have noticed my excessive use of exclamations in the title of this post, but I promise they are warranted. There are a couple very exciting things about the post today.
From 29 October, The Big Smoke will be available in e-copy from Amazon and Smashwords, and hard copy from this blog (Australia and New Zealand) and Amazon (the rest of the world).
Sneak peak
About The Big Smoke

Ceara’s desperate for love; Seb’s desperate to get laid. Ceara adores reading novels; Seb hasn’t finished a book in years. Two strangers, both moving from small country towns to Brisbane – the big smoke. As they prepare to attend the same university, their paths seem set to collide, but they keep missing each other. Maybe fate is keeping them apart, or maybe it’s just chance.
When the semester starts, things get complicated. Ceara’s best friend withdraws from her, Seb’s closest mate turns into a sleazebag, and the relentless demands of university make their stress levels soar. Before their first semester is over, both Seb and Ceara will be forced to question who they are and what they want from their lives. Will they have the courage to find the answers, or will they crumble under the pressure? And when they finally meet, will it be love at first sight or a collision of headstrong personalities?
I can’t rip my eyes away from the artsy cover and who can’t relate to that description? This is a good one =)
Blogfest time…
This marks my first ever blogfest post and I am super excited about it.
8 Facts about the year I turned Eighteen
Since both her main characters, Ceara and Seb, turn 18 throughout the story, Cally thought it might be fun for us all to post about the year we turned 18.
Details: Your post can be about anything from that year – something momentous that happened, what your hopes and dreams were at that time, diary entries, anything that comes to mind. If you could include photos of you at 18, that would be doubly awesome! And if you haven’t turned 18 yet, you might like to post about what you hope will be happening for you in the year you turn eighteen.
8 Facts (let me warn you, this was a big year for me):
1. This was my senior year of High School so I got my senior portraits taken.
2. My cat, Benny, was injured and ended up wearing a cone for a few weeks. Needless to say, his nickname was “Benny Flower” for a while.
3. My boyfriend (at the time) who is now my husband, took me to my senior prom. Never, ever did I imagine I would wear a giant hot pink dress for any occasion, but if the dress fits, wear it.
4. My very sweet mother threw me two parties for my High School Graduation. One in Florida and one in Missouri (that is a whole different story).
5. I learned the strange collision of fear, freedom and excitement you experience when your family drops you off at college.
6. I began my freshman year of college which will never fade as one of the most memorable times in my life. I learned so much, gained appreciation for the friends I no longer saw as frequently and made some amazing additional friends I am eternally grateful to have in my life.
7. My brother married Courtney and she is now my super cool sister-in-law. Beautiful wedding!
8. And last but not least, I became…..
just kidding!
But I did dress as an evil minion for halloween =)
which leaves me with… P.S. Happy Halloween Everyone!