Movie Mashup
Lets play Guess the Mashup! Feel free to comment with your answers below. I will follow up next week with an answer. Good luck guessers and enjoy 🙂
Ron: “Well, I have a rather unfortunate announcement to make, San Diego. It does seem that our big planet is facing quite a perilous situation. Meteorologists have spotted one giant meatball headed directly toward Earth.
Veronica stares at Ron with alarm. The camera man shakes his head. Ron continues.
Ron: NASA is evaluating what, if anything, can be done to prevent the consumption. Well, let’s all hope they can cook something up, or we’ll all be digested. And that’s the latest here on News Channel 4. Stay classy, Sand Diego.”
Ron is taken off the air.
Veronica: “Do you have any idea what you just said?”
Ron: “What a shocking story! A giant meatball? Headed to Earth? I thought I’d reported it all. It seems unreal”
Veronica: “It is unreal, Ron! It is an asteroid, not a meatball headed to Earth. Who changed the teleprompter?”
Veronica has stormed off to address the staff.
Ron: “Huh, don’t think I’ve reported one like that before either. Well, all that talk of meatballs has got me hungry. I’m off to have dinner with Baxter.”
Ed: “No you aren’t headed to see Baxter, Ron. We’ve got more updates streaming in now. Sounds like they’re sending off an untraditional team for this mission… sending waste water management specialists up there to throw it off course.”
Veronica has entered back into the room.
Veronica: “It’s deep core drillers, Ed. And let Ron go have his dinner, I’ll cover this.”
Ron: “Whoa, whoa, whoa now. Nobody said a man can’t eat his spaghetti while he reports the breaking meatball news story.”
One week passes.
Ron: “Ron, welcome back, San Diego. I’m here with breaking news! The team of deep core drillers has successfully diverted the crises. Let’s cook up some meatballs and celebrate tonight.”
Veronica rolls her eyes.
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