Currently listening to: Wonderwall by Oasis
Location: Altoona Iowa
Fantasy Novel Puzzle: Piece 1

This is my first post in my Novel Puzzle Blog series. For information on what this series is about please refer to the
Novel Puzzle Idea post.
Typically I’m not going to be giving away terribly evident clues as to what I’m working on. Seeing as this is the first post in the series though, let’s make it particularly exciting.
Ever since I saw a specific movie where a young girl barely remembered the phrase “you have no power over me” I’ve been obsessed with the setting in which that movie took place.
(In case you’re wondering, I’m intentionally not saying the word of the setting. This post is meant to lead you to conclusions without giving the answer away. If you know what I’m getting at, feel free to post your
Anyway, that movie was the start of my intrigue with this particular setting. Something about the unknown possibilities (good or bad) around every corner mimicked my real human experience of navigating life. Even though this place was just… a place, I felt somehow like it took on its own
personality. It was so complex with so much room for infinite possibilities of what it could be holding.
Having never let go of my fascination with its intricate detail, I’ve been drawn to anywhere I could find it since then. Whether home to a mythical creature in Greek Mythology or acting as an overgrown deadly challenge in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, this setting that seems to be an entity of its
My mind is filled with constant new story twists brought on by the inspiration of this setting.
That is puzzle piece one!