Terry Brooks Interview Live Chat on Goodreads
Terry Brooks Interview Live Chat on Goodreads…
There is something I connect to about his strong female leads and ability to create mystery. I’ve only gotten around to reading five of his books (so far), though my goal is to someday read the entire Shannara series. So, without further ado, I am very happy to share with you the main highlights from Terry Brook’s live chat.
(Question wording is not verbatim as I was trying to keep up in my notes)
April 2013
Terry, what are your influences?
He cited Tolkien as a heavy influence, especially on format. Other influences were not acutally fantasy writers. He reads everything from contemporary fiction and women’s fiction to exploration stories (stories going to strange places). He talked about how a lot of military books really affect the way he
approaches conflict in his works.
How do you keep yourself inspired?
How do you keep track timeline, names, etc?
Used to have timelines. Now he has reference guide publishers do (again, this was another funny moment he laughed about).
Are you planning to create movies?
He said Shannara has been auctioned 4 times. The series is actually with Sonar and they are trying to plan a television production.
Describe a typical day of writing?
Confined space, organized, things are in their place, quiet. He doesn’t work every day. He has learned it is better not to push too hard. Biggest part is to be there in the chair in front of the screen, even if you just stare at the screen. That is the first step to make things happen. It helps to have some kind of goal.
What advice would you give to author starting out?
1. Sit down and write
2. Be patient (it is easy to think opportunities slip away). So take time to find voice!
3. It is a business, treat it that way and be professional at all times
About publishing: What do you think of self-publishing?
He acknowledges we are still going to see continued changes. He sees the positive of more interactive readers. But he personally doesn’t enjoy ebooks, he likes the real thing.